“The declaration of independence and impartiality: appointment and confirmation of arbitrators”

Cristina Martinetti will be one of moderators in the morning session of the conference organised by the Piedmont Chamber of Arbitration ‘Business, civil justice, arbitration: what perspectives?’. The event will take place in the Congress Hall of the Unione Industriali. For further information, see the attached programme.

Paolo Lombardi will explore critical issues and social security contributions of the agency contract. Full programme at the following link: https://ikn.it/prodotto/contratto-agenzia/

“Cristina Martinetti will be one of the speakers at the working session organised by the International Commerce, Trade, Franchising and Product Law Section, International Commerce and Distribution Committee, International Franchising Committee, International Trade and Customs Law Committee, Product Law and Advertising Committee. The panel is part of the International Bar

Paolo Lombardi will be one of the speakers of Litigation/Private International Law session of UIA annual conference. This year the event will be in Rome.For further details, see the following link: https://www.uianet.org/sites/default/files/fichiers/action/documents/prog_rome_bat_en.pdf

Emilio Villano will attend the event organised by CEIA on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the Capitulo Italiano.For further information, see the following link: https://www.clubarbitraje.com/events/x-aniversario-capitulo-italiano-ceia/

Cristina Martinetti will be one of the speakers of Panel IV dedicated to conflits management. For further details, see the attached program.

Today, in Milan, during Go International fair, organised by AICE (Italian Association of Foreign Trade) and Trade Events, there will be the workshop ‘International Contracts: the main mistakes not to make’. Speakers: Paolo Lombardi and Nicolò Maggiora. If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please register at the

Elexi will be present at Go International again this edition. This year the event dedicated to export services organized by AICE (Italian Association of Foreign Trade) and Trade Events will be held in Milan at Allianz MICO on October 11 and 12. Paolo Lombardi, Nicolò Maggiora and Marco Minolfo will

Second part of a two-half-day webinar dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in various aspects of international construction contracts. The event is organized by the ICC Institute of World Business Law. Cristina Martinetti is one of the speakers. For furhter details: https://2go.iccwbo.org/icc-institute-sme-lab-on-international-contracts-a-practical-guide-for-smes-on-avoiding-risk-in-construction-contracts.html?msdynttrid=Dt2ooBBQw6YJ_fofMXdCMmDXw_P-o13iATybLP7puVw#description

First part of a two-half-day webinar dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in various aspects of international construction contracts. The event is organized by the ICC Institute of World Business Law. Cristina Martinetti is one of the speakers. For furhter details: https://2go.iccwbo.org/icc-institute-sme-lab-on-international-contracts-a-practical-guide-for-smes-on-avoiding-risk-in-construction-contracts.html?msdynttrid=Dt2ooBBQw6YJ_fofMXdCMmDXw_P-o13iATybLP7puVw#description